
Some Photos of Porpular Items (1)

Model: AZL06-ZY13B
Airflow: 6000 cbm/h
Model: AZL02-ZY13A
Airflow: 2000 cbm/h
Model: AZL18-ZX10B
Airflow: 18000cbm/h
Model: AZL16-ZC10B
Airflow: 16000cbm/h

Beat the Heat: 10 Tips to Keep Cool, Save Engergy and Help the Environment

Save while you’re away Programmable thermostats that have earned the ENERGY STAR save you energy and money while you’re asleep or away, without sacrificing comfort when you’re home. By automatically adjusting among four different temperature settings, you can save up to $100 per year on energy costs.

Keep cool and save with your ceiling fan Ceiling fans help keep you cool and allow you to adjust your thermostat for more energy savings.  ENERGY STAR qualified ceiling fans have optimized fan blades and motors; those with qualified light kits are 50 percent more energy efficient than standard models. Make sure to turn your fan off when you leave the room, though.  A ceiling fan doesn’t cool a room--it only cools you, through a wind-chill effect against your skin.

Find problems before they occur If your central air system needs frequent repairs, or your energy bills are significantly increasing, your equipment could be growing old and less efficient.  EPA recommends an annual tune-up from a certified technician.  Dirt and neglect are the #1 causes of system failure.

Out with the old, in with the new It may be time for a more energy-efficient replacement if your air conditioning equipment is more than 10 years old.  ENERGY STAR qualified air conditioners and heat pumps offer significant long-term energy savings compared with 10-year-old units and use at least 20 percent less energy than new standard models.

Make a smart purchase When buying a new air conditioner, make sure it is properly sized and installed –bigger is not always better. Units with too large a capacity will cost you more and may decrease your home’s comfort. Hire a qualified, licensed contractor who uses Manual J or an equivalent size-calculation tool.

Consult a professional Find an experienced, licensed contractor before embarking on any heating or cooling overhaul. Visit www.natex.org to find a contractor whose technicians are certified by NATE (North American Technician Excellence), the leading industry-supported testing and certification program.

Save energy, one room at a time If your room air conditioner is getting old and needs replacing, consider purchasing an ENERGY STAR qualified model – it will be at least 10 percent more energy-efficient.  Room air conditioners offer you the opportunity to cool your home in “zones.”   If there are rooms that do not need to remain cool consistently, keep the doors closed and the air conditioner off to save more energy. 

Take advantage of special offers Many contractors, utility companies, retailers and manufacturers offer rebates or incentives toward the purchase of energy-efficient products.  Visit www.energystar.gov to find special offers available across the nation. Watch local advertisements and utility bill stuffers for more options.

Find and seal air leaks Hidden gaps and cracks in a home can add up to as much airflow as an open window and can cause your cooling system to work harder. Home Sealing your home “envelope” – the outer walls, ceiling, windows and floors -- can save up to 10 percent in energy costs. Start by sealing air leaks and adding insulation, and be sure to pay special attention to your attic and basement. 

Tighten your ducts It is common to find gaps between duct joints in a home, whether new or old. Have your ducts inspected, sealed and insulated to increase indoor air quality, maximize the movement of cooled air to all rooms of the home, and prevent loss of cooled air to areas between walls, ceilings and floors.  A typical homeowner could save up to 10 percent on energy bills each year by having his or her ducts sealed.


Popular AZL04-LC12D

Model: AZL04-LC12D
Airflow: 4000 cbm/h
Pressure: 150 Pa
Power: 0.15kw
V/Hz: 220/50
Rated Currencey: 1.3 A
Fan type: Centrifugal
FanSpeeds: Single-phase, 2-speed
Noise: less than or equal to 63 dB
Dimension: 610*495*720 mm
Net Weight: 40 +/_3 kg
Operation Weight: 70 +/_3kg
Auto Cleaning: yes
Water lack protaction: yes
Water Capacity: 40L
Control Type: LCD control


Comienzos de refrigeración por evaporación - Past to Present

Refrigeración por evaporación se produjo por primera vez en los años 20. En aquellos días, no había acceso a equipos de aire acondicionado para combatir el verano caliente. Por la noche, algunas personas utilizan para llegar a dormir a la intemperie en sus pórticos, que se acompañaron a la malla en Para evitar los molestos insectos. Para mantener el ambiente fresco que se utiliza para empapar mantas y ropa de cama en agua y colocarlos en las pantallas encierran sus galerías. Fuera de la casa a estas personas a su vez, en sus sopladores de potencia eléctrica, que luego tire el aire caliente del se pasa por el exterior y con el fin de aire húmedas de suministro Ropa fresca en el interior del porche. Este sistema de acondicionamiento específico para el aire era muy famoso en la década de 1920 y fue la técnica que entregó el IDEA de refrigeración por evaporación.

El concepto de exactamente la misma utilizada en Arizona para los pórticos de enfriamiento resultó ser aún más reforzada en el futuro, esta dirigida a la evolución de los sistemas de evaporación de aire acondicionado que todavía están siendo utilizados en el mundo moderno para una baja -. elección de precios a los sistemas de enfriamiento refrigerado - la tecnología y la baja. Estos útiles evaporación sistemas de aire acondicionado utilizan una técnica muy sencilla que consiste en la utilización de la evaporación del agua junto con la técnica simple de transferencia de aire y en conjunto nos da un sistema de aire acondicionado con un costo mínimo. almohadillas húmedas rodea las paredes de los sistemas de aire acondicionado por evaporación.

Cada vez que se enciende el sistema que extrae aire limpio y caliente del exterior que se enfría a través de las almohadillas húmedas sobre la base de la ciencia de la evaporación. Este aire frío, serán llevados a cabo dentro de la habitación o una casa para enfriar la temperatura. Estos sistemas de refrigeración capaz de bajar la temperatura de una habitación cerca de un 13 a 15 grados centígrados. El único inconveniente para el uso de estos sistemas de refrigeración por evaporación es que hacen que el aire muy húmedo, ya que se transfiere a través empapado bases de refrigeración. Debido a esto el aire que se tirado dentro de una habitación se convertirá muy húmedo. Es por esta razón por la cual estos tipos de refrigeradores generalmente se llaman los refrigeradores del pantano también. Ahora bien, si el tiempo local de la zona donde se están utilizando es muy seco, estos sistemas evaporativos de enfriamiento puede una buena función.

Sin embargo, en los lugares donde el aire es ya muy húmedo similar a ciudades de la costa, dejando al descubierto un sistema de evaporación podría llegar a ser muy difícil. Independientemente de las personas elemento aire húmedo todavía desean sistemas evaporativos de aire acondicionado debido a su utilización extremadamente barato y eficiente. especialmente en este tipo de refrigeradores desiertos son simplemente nos encantó en su trabajo genial en el clima seco del desierto. Pensando en el precio cada vez mayor de energía por evaporación aún hoy en día estos sistemas son buenos para el aire acondicionado. Los efectos secundarios sólo se destaca la utilización de estos tipos del sistema de refrigeración por evaporación, que no sea el hecho de que humedecer el ambiente, son muy grandes en tamaño.

Todo el dispositivo es básicamente una lata grande que se ha creado con toallitas húmedas en todo momento. No es muy grande en proporciones y como consecuencia requieren propiedades adecuadas de posicionamiento concreto, si el interior de la residencia es encontrar el lugar adecuado para este tipo de alimentos más pequeños sistemas de refrigeración ser un reto
 PLS más información, visite sitio web de la empresa: http://www.aolan-china.com/ .
Lena Xie
E-mail: sales8@aolanchina.cn
Web: http://www.aolan-china.com/ :
Msn lenaxsm@hotmail.com
Skype: lenaxsm
 facebook: lenaxsm@hotmail.com

Evaporative Cooling Beginnings – Past to Present

Evaporative Cooling was first produced in the 20′s. In those days, There was no accessibility to air conditioners to combat the warm summertime. At night time, Some people used to get to sleep outside on their porches, which were enclosed with mesh in order to avoid pesky insects. To keep the surroundings cool they used to drench blankets and bedding in water and place them over the screens enclosing their verandas. Outside the house these people would turn on their electric powered blowers that would then pull the warm air from outside and pass it through the wetted linen in order to supply cool air inside the porch. This specific system for air conditioning was really famous in the 1920′s and it was this technique that delivered the idea of evaporative cooling.

The exact same concept utilized in Arizona for cooling porches ended up being even more enhanced in the future. This directed to the progression of evaporative air conditioning systems that are still being utilised in the modern world for a low – technology and low – price choice to the refrigerated cooling systems. These useful evaporative air conditioning systems use an extremely straightforward technique which consists of utilizing water evaporation along with the straightforward technique of transferring air and collectively it gives us an air conditioning system together with least cost. Wet pads surrounds the walls of evaporative air conditioning systems. Whenever the system turns on it draws in clean and warm air from the outside which cools down through the moist pads based on the science of evaporation. This cool air will be blown out inside the room or house to cool down temperatures. These cooling systems are capable of lowering the temperature of a room by close to 13-15 degrees celcius.

The only drawback using these evaporative systems for cooling is that they make your air very damp because it is transferred through soaked cooling pads. Because of this the air that is thrown inside a room will become very damp to. It’s due to this reason why these types of coolers are usually called swamp coolers too. Now if the local weather on the area where they are being used is quite dry, these evaporative systems for cooling can function good. However in places where the air is already very humid similar to coastal cities, baring an evaporative system could become very difficult. Irrespective of the humid air element persons still desire evaporative systems for air conditioning because of their extremely cheap and efficient utilization. Specially in deserts these kinds of coolers are loved as they simply work just great in the dry desert climate.

Thinking of the ever increasing price of energy even today these evaporative systems are good for air conditioning. the only notable side-effects of using these types of evaporative system for cooling, other than the actual fact of them moistening the environment, they’re quite large in size. The whole device is basically a large can that is set up with moist pads throughout. There’re quite large in proportions and as a consequence require proper positioning inside properties specifically if the residence is smaller finding adequate place for these cooling systems can be challenging

More information pls visit company website: http://www.aolan-china.com/.

Lena Xie
E-mail: sales8@aolanchina.cn
Web: http://www.aolan-china.com/
Msn: lenaxsm@hotmail.com
Skype: lenaxsm
facebook: lenaxsm@hotmail.com


Por que um refrigerador do deserto fresco melhor em um dia quente e seco?

Quando um líquido evapora, as partículas do líquido absorver a energia do ambiente para compensar a perda de energia durante a evaporação. Isso torna o ambiente frio.

Em um refrigerador do deserto, a água no seu interior é feito para evaporar. Isto leva à absorção de energia do entorno, assim refrigerar o ambiente. Novamente, nós sabemos que a evaporação depende da quantidade de vapor de água presente no ar (umidade). Se a quantidade de vapor de água presente no ar é menor, então a evaporação é mais. Em um dia quente e seco, a quantidade de água presente no ar vapor é menor. Assim, a água presente dentro do refrigerador do deserto evapora mais, assim refrigerar o ambiente mais. É por isso que um refrigerador do deserto resfria melhor em um dia quente e seco.

Existem alguns cooler Deserto popular de AOLAN como abaixo. Mais informações visite o PLS produtos http://www.aolan-china.com/ .
Lena Xie
AOLAN (Fujian) Industry Co., Ltd
E-mail: sales8@aolanchina.com
MSN: lenaxsm@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.aolan-china.com/


Why does a desert cooler cool better on a hot dry day?

When a liquid evaporates, the particles of the liquid absorb energy from the surroundings to compensate the loss of energy during evaporation. This makes the surroundings cool.

In a desert cooler, the water inside it is made to evaporate. This leads to absorption of energy from the surroundings, thereby cooling the surroundings. Again, we know that evaporation depends on the amount of water vapour present in air (humidity). If the amount of water vapour present in air is less, then evaporation is more. On a hot dry day, the amount of water vapour present in air is less. Thus, water present inside the desert cooler evaporates more, thereby cooling the surroundings more. That is why a desert cooler cools better on a hot dry day.

There are some popular desert cooler of AOLAN as below. More products information pls visit http://www.aolan-china.com/.

Model: AZL04-LC12C with diffuser
Model: AZL04-LC12C
Model: AZL25-ZX10B
Model: AZL50-LS32A
AOLAN has desert cooler with airflow from 1000cbm/h to 100000cbm/h in different outlook. more information pls contact me.
Alibaba: lenaxsm
Tel: 86-18605910530



Latest Item of AOLAN

Here I introduce one of AOLAN's latest product, AZL06-ZY13E. The photo is as below. More information pls visit company's website: http://www.aolan-china.com/.
Model type: AZL06ZY13E
Color: yellow, brown
Airflow: 6000cbm/h
Pressure: 70Pa
Output: 0.25/0.125/0.07kw
V/Hz: 220/50
Rated Currency: 2.3/1.8/1.5A
Fan tyoe: Axial
Fan speed: Single-phase, 3-speed
Noise: Equal or less than 69dB
Net weight: 30 kg (+/-3kg)
Operation Weight: 100 kg (+/-3kg)
Breif description:
Large air outlet with airflow from 6000 cbm/h
Large angle automatic swing, offer you wide range air supply
Detachale pad, easy yo clean
Other photos as below:


How to Choose an Evaporative Swamp Cooler

As the summer approaches, people who live in hot, dry areas turn to evaporative coolers to stay cool and comfortable. They are relatively inexpensive, use less electricity than conventional air conditioning units and require little to no installation. In dry climates, they're great for cost effectively lowering ambient temperatures. All you need to operate an evaporative cooler is sufficient space for the unit, an electrical outlet, water to cool the cooling media, and adequate airflow and ventilation.

Is an Evaporative Cooler Right for You?

The first thing to consider when purchasing an evaporative cooler is determine whether you live in the right type of climate. In the right conditions, a swamp cooler can lower the temperature by as much as twenty degrees Fahrenheit. Evaporative coolers use simple technology and electrical power to provide cooling effect. A motor pumps water to soak fibrous pads while a separate motor powers a fan that pushes air through the pad. If you live in an arid climate the entering air will be hot and dry and water will be evaporated. The ambient temperature is decreased and the environment is made more comfortable because the air being re-circulated is chilled and somewhat damp.

What Size Evaporative Cooler Do You Need?

The next most important thing is choosing the proper sizing for your evaporative cooler. An evaporative cooler must be the proper size to effectively cool. For example a small portable unit will not adequately cool a large-sized room. Evaporative coolers are rated by CFMs (the cubic feet per minute of air that the cooler can blow into your home). The formula to determine how many CFMs you need is quite simple. Figure out the amount of cubic feet of space you want to cool first. Then, divide that number by two. The quotient is the CFM rating for the properly sized evaporative cooler for you.

How Much Maintenance Do Evaporative Coolers Require?

Before purchasing an evaporative cooler, keep in mind that they may require more maintenance than a portable air conditioner would. This maintenance consists of refilling the water supply, draining the unit and ensuring that the pads are clean.

What Kind of Pads Do Evaporative Coolers Use?

One last important consideration before purchasing an evaporative cooler is what kind of pad it uses. Most pads are made of excelsior (wood wool or aspen fiber) inside of containment net. Modern materials such as some plastics and melanin paper are also entering use as cooler pad media. The good thing about the excelsior pads is that the wood absorbs some of the water, which allows wood fibers to cool passing air to a lower temperature than unnatural materials. The thickness of the pads affects the cooling efficiency of the pads. The thicker the pad, the longer the air contact. This means an eight inch thick pad with its increased surface area will be more efficient than a one inch pad.


An Brief Introction to AOLAN

AOLAN (Fujian) Industry Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise which collects the research &development, manufacturer,as well as marketing on evaporative air coolers. AOLAN is the first company bringing in the energy-saving coolder without compressors in 1998,which filled the blank market of evaporative air cooler in China.
At present,AOLAN  has national patents of invention and utility model patents.By conforming with ISO9001:2000,we have developed more than 70 evaporative air coolers with high-quality,energy-saving and environment-friendly.Any they have been used in different fields,such as industry,trade,communication,service and in the extension of international market.We have obtained the CE and SASO certificates and our AOLAN Evaporative Air Cooler has been exported to more than 30 countries from Europe,America,Australia,Japan,Middle East,South Eastern Asia and Africa.
AOLAN is the biggest supplier of Evaporative Air Cooler.AOLAN occupy the biggest market share in China and Europe market.

More information about AOLAN, pls visit it's website: http://www.aolan-china.com/. You may find some surprise there!